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Saturday, April 07, 2007 | 8:58 AM

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These days the press is filled with horror stories about Robert Mugabe. We hear words like "sadist" "murderer" "dictator" used to describe him. Robert Mugabe is not a perfect head of state, but is anyone? He has made some obvious mistakes (at 83 years of age the biggest one of all is probably staying in power too long without choosing a younger successor) Today Zimbabwe has one of the world's highest inflation rates and many people are blaming Mugabe. It is more than likely that Mugabe is the victim of western neocolonial economic sabotage. I can remember years ago people coming from Cuba would condemn Fidel Castro for having to wait in long lines for basic food necessities. It just would never occur to them that this was happening because of a blockade. Robert Mugabe is probably one of the very few leaders who up to this point has resisted the neocolonials. Mugabe has returned a sizeable portion of the land stolen from Zimbabwe by colonialists and their offspring. It is precisely for that reason that he is despised by Tony Blair and George Bush who are doing everything in their power to topple the Mugabe regime. The imperialist forces and their agents have unlimited financial resources at their disposal. They are feverishly trying to overthrow a leader chosen by the people of Zimbabwe. Western pundits continue to talk about the unfair Zimbabwean elections but somehow have amnesia when it comes to the 2000 and 2004 fraudulent elections in the United States.
Mugabe is totally justified in his mistrust of the English government who promised him that they would compensate the English landowners of Zimbabwean territory. The English government reneged on its promise. As a result a land redistribution program was put into effect and Tony Blair and George Bush cry foul, as if Mugabe is the one who committed a crime. Robert Mugabe has always been in the forefront of African liberation whether it was fighting the racist Apartheid regime in South Africa or Ian Smith regime in the former Rhodesia. Let us not forget that Margaret Thatcher's son orchestrated and attempt to overthrow the government of Equatorial Guinea, shortly after that African nation was reported to have found new petroleum reserves. The forces of Robert Mugabe were responsible for apprehending the mercenaries attempting the coup d'etat. It is for these reasons that I ask everyone to carefully look at the facts when it comes to Zimbabwe and not to rush to judgment based on what has be reported in western media.

Blogger Michael Bryan said...

What exactly is your......evidence..... of a Vast Western conspiracy against Robert Mugabe? Why would the Western Media have such a massive smear campaign against Mugabe when they white wash leaders in South Africa?

Mugabe, speakign purely analystcally, has stayed in power long after his terms of election were up. The fight he lead against the minority white government was honorable; but the shear ruin he has brought to his country must make many Zimbabweans long for a time when at least they had enough food to eat.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was born and raised in zimbabwe and if you think the situation is a western conspiracy it cleary shows you have no idea!! Zimbabweans watching as there family members were killed and dismembered is no conspiracy!! wake up to your self you idiot!!


"In the time of monumental deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
This is truly the case in this day and age. The masses believe everything the media feeds them. I have friends that live in Zimbabwe and unlike the average Zimbabwian, they have a deeper understanding to the situation. You are correct in your article and I applaud you for your stance. Does it not worry anyone that the zim dollar will be exchanged for the Rand (south african currency). The new world order is gaining momentum. One African state with one currency, and soon, with a single policing entity. John Perkins, in his book "Confessions of an economic Hitman", has given first hand evidence of how the new world order operates to take over countries.


Blogger Michael Bryan said...

What exactly is your......evidence..... of a Vast Western conspiracy against Robert Mugabe? Why would the Western Media have such a massive smear campaign against Mugabe when they white wash leaders in South Africa?

Mugabe, speakign purely analystcally, has stayed in power long after his terms of election were up. The fight he lead against the minority white government was honorable; but the shear ruin he has brought to his country must make many Zimbabweans long for a time when at least they had enough food to eat.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was born and raised in zimbabwe and if you think the situation is a western conspiracy it cleary shows you have no idea!! Zimbabweans watching as there family members were killed and dismembered is no conspiracy!! wake up to your self you idiot!!


"In the time of monumental deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
This is truly the case in this day and age. The masses believe everything the media feeds them. I have friends that live in Zimbabwe and unlike the average Zimbabwian, they have a deeper understanding to the situation. You are correct in your article and I applaud you for your stance. Does it not worry anyone that the zim dollar will be exchanged for the Rand (south african currency). The new world order is gaining momentum. One African state with one currency, and soon, with a single policing entity. John Perkins, in his book "Confessions of an economic Hitman", has given first hand evidence of how the new world order operates to take over countries.


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